Career Wizard Test Analysis


Mapmycareer is an online psychometric assessment and career advise platform for the students studying in class VII to XII in the schools. It has the following sections:

  1. Orientation: It is an opportunity for us to know you better.
  2. Personal Detail: Through the questions in this section, we know more about you, your family, your school and other life experiences, your likes and dislikes.
  3. Parent Form: This is a small section to be filled by the parents, as parental aspiration, and expectations are an important input in ensuring the success of psychometric test.
  4. Aptitude test: Begins with uncovering your potential. We ask you questions that will provide an insight into your inherent abilities.
  5. Personality test: Assess your typical behaviour when presented with different situations and your preferred way of going about things.
  6. Interest Test: In this third and final section, we ask you to select careers that you are interested in and would like to pursue.
  7. Analysis and Report: Your response on the test are analysed by expert at mapmycareer and an exhaustive report is created. The report reflects the benefits of a technical analysis with the expertise and experience of the mapmycareer team of psychologists to understand your aptitude and personality vis-à-vis your choice of career.
  8. Career Suggestion: Taking into consideration your interest, aptitude and personality, expert at mapmycareer suggest three careers that you will be best suited for. If your interest/s not matching to your aptitude and personality the expert consider your strength in aptitude and personality as they believe interest is floating in nature and get changed.
  9. Career Information: Written by experts in the field, our career write up bring to you all the information about your chosen career.


Career guidance is the process where career expert assist you to understand your strengths, clarify your career goals and make informed career decisions. The career guidance process expert evaluate your interest vis-a-vis to your strength in aptitude and personality, uses careers information on occupations, career paths, learning opportunities, market trends and conditions, educational programs and opportunities, educational and training institutions, government and non-government programs and services, and job opportunities, to help you make a decision.

The aim objective of MapMyCareer is to suggest you the career that will be best suited to your own profile. The profiling is done by the expert using psychometric tests which are devised and standardized in India.

Benefits you get from MapMyCareer

Career choice is very personal and central issue for any individual as one has to live with the choice probably for next 30 years. One needs to understand, best career are those which uses one's strength optimally or which suits interests and abilities of the person. Map MY Career assist students studying in schools and colleges to know their strength better and make a career choice that suits them best by using standardized psychometric test. You do not have to prepare or practice anything to take the test, you have to choose the option which you feel you can do best or have the capability to do it.

You will learn about the options suitable to you. You can learn about career options you have not considered before or about the career which would offer you better prospects in future. It may also help you to shift/change your interest based on your abilities or from choosing obsolete career/s.

You may come to know how to progress in career.

You will be able to choose the best course/programs fit for your career path.

You will know the area/s you need to improve to be more productive and happy in your work.

Who Guides you at Map My Career?

Experts at Map My Career have acquired specialized degree and capable of helping the students to understand their prevalent aptitudes, personality, their own goals and aspirations, their own identity, and how to make informed decisions, commit to activities involved in the career plan, and manage changes in their career whether they are planned or not.